Sunday, May 3, 2009

Growing.. and not just in my pants.

So the Blog grows.

First I have a Twitter account going (Creative right?)

Next I have gotten permission to link to a great blog. It is listed over here on the right. Check it out and enjoy. I know I did and do.

Weekends seem to be busy for me so posting may/may not be up. I am going to try to get a schedule going.

Talk to you soon

-Voluptuous Devotee.


  1. Ok. Here's the deal:

    Yes, earthling, Im an NDE
    (thus, my ethereal nomenclature) -
    so I actually know God exists:
    He rewards those who HONOR n RESPECT
    Him and strive to follow His Laws;
    for those who wanna know what
    Seventh-Heaven holds for your
    indelible, magnificent soul whom
    God has so carefully crafted -
    and if you're not too concerned
    with WWIII and N. Korea,
    you better follow us:

    Find-out what RCIA means and join.
    God bless your indelible soul.

    1. Let this be your catalyst to Seventh-Heaven:

      'The more you shall honor Me,
      the more I shall bless you'
      -the Infant Jesus of Prague
      (<- Czech Republic, next to Russia)

      Love him or leave him...
      ya better lissen to DonJuan;
      if you deny o'er-the-Hillary's evil,
      which most whorizontalites do,
      you cannot deny Hellfire
      which YOU send YOURSELF to.

      Yes, earthling, I was an NDE:
      the sights were beyond extreme.
      Choose Jesus.
      You'll be most happy you did.
      God bless your indelible soul.

    2. Satan, whether you wanna believe
      in that pileOshit, exists...
      and you N i SHALL be Divinely Judged.
      Death aint the end, dear.
      Seventh-Heaven is TheEnd...
      or the Abyss o'Misery is TheEnd.

      Make Your Choice -SAW

    3. I choose Seventh-Heaven
      to live humbly N with 97.79%
      honor here below.

      Here's my desire in Seventh-Heaven
      which you certainly may be a part of -
      just gotta git your own rocket, men.
      Young women I'd most certainly allow:

      If you wanna wiseabove this earth,
      you'll someday BE in Seventh-Heaven
      to make love with moi, aussi
      soft, slow, smooth on a yacht...
      on a waterbed... in a treehouse...
      in a ski-resort... on the beach...
      with thousands of menageAtrois...
      anywhere, ya wild thang,
      for 777ish sextillion years!!!
      (yes, dear, that's a real number);

      Wouldn't ya loooove a tall, erect
      rocket ship with TWO, bulbous fuel-tanks
      down below, cooling-off N steaming,
      as we land on this rock-solid, pristine,
      wild world where we could be fruitFULL??

      Yet... not here. not now. not yet.
      Can ya wait for this human?
      I wanna please you N gratify you;
      I wanna be on the bottom...
      I wanna wrap my strong legs around you...
      I wanna suckle N caress
      your long, delicious, adorable nipples...
      I wanna give you many, many, many, MANY
      orgasms before I have my own,
      as we'll roam through the universe
      eXXXploring places to procreate...
      ☆Can't wait, dear☆

      Here's how YOU and i can B1;
      here's our proposal:
      HEER YE! O HEER YE!!

      I'd looove to meet you
      in passionate, intoxicating,
      larger-than-life Seventh-Heaven...
      yet, you first must be prepared:
      Find-out what RCIA means and join;
      classes are free,
      once per week,
      starting early September.

      Im sooo not better than you
      ...yet, I gotta lotta d'knowlijj
      which'll save-your-soul, kapiche??
      Sorry fo d'New Yoirk accent.

      PS Turn-away from idolatry/indifference
      (worshipping the world/laissez-faire).
      Turn-away from mortal sin.
      Turn 180°
      Turn RITE.
      reTurn to Jesus:
      He'd looove for you to be
      forgiven thru repentance.
      Focus on Jesus!!!
      Follow us to the Great Beyond.
      Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.
      Follow us to Holy Mass
      & say the Rosary once per day.
      Do the RCIA, too.
      I. Love. You. earthling
      I'll definitely pray for you
      as you fully trustNjesus.
      God bless your fruitful, indelible soul.

      Yes, earthling, Im an NDE:
      I know exactly what Almighty God
      has prepared for those who love Him
      and follow Him in this finite existence:
      an eternal explosion-of-extravagance
      which few are askin for anymore...
      yet, 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.
      Strange how many people
      DONT want everything
      from our Creator.
      Que cera cera.

    4. I choose Seventh-Heaven
      to live humbly N with 97.79%
      honor here below.

      Here's my desire in Seventh-Heaven
      which you certainly may be a part of -
      just gotta git your own rocket, men.
      Young women I'd most certainly allow:

      If you wanna wiseabove this earth,
      you'll someday BE in Seventh-Heaven
      to make love with moi, aussi
      soft, slow, smooth on a yacht...
      on a waterbed... in a treehouse...
      in a ski-resort... on the beach...
      with thousands of menageAtrois...
      anywhere, ya wild thang,
      for 777ish sextillion years!!!
      (yes, dear, that's a real number);

      Wouldn't ya loooove a tall, erect
      rocket ship with TWO, bulbous fuel-tanks
      down below, cooling-off N steaming,
      as we land on this rock-solid, pristine,
      wild world where we could be fruitFULL??

      Yet... not here. not now. not yet.
      Can ya wait for this human?
      I wanna please you N gratify you;
      I wanna be on the bottom...
      I wanna wrap my strong legs around you...
      I wanna suckle N caress
      your long, delicious, adorable nipples...
      I wanna give you many, many, many, MANY
      orgasms before I have my own,
      as we'll roam through the universe
      eXXXploring places to procreate...
      ☆Can't wait, dear☆

      Here's how YOU and i can B1;
      here's our proposal:
      HEER YE! O HEER YE!!

      I'd looove to meet you
      in passionate, intoxicating,
      larger-than-life Seventh-Heaven...
      yet, you first must be prepared:
      Find-out what RCIA means and join;
      classes are free,
      once per week,
      starting early September.

      Im sooo not better than you
      ...yet, I gotta lotta d'knowlijj
      which'll save-your-soul, kapiche??
      Sorry fo d'New Yoirk accent.

      PS Turn-away from idolatry/indifference
      (worshipping the world/laissez-faire).
      Turn-away from mortal sin.
      Turn 180°
      Turn RITE.
      reTurn to Jesus:
      He'd looove for you to be
      forgiven thru repentance.
      Focus on Jesus!!!
      Follow us to the Great Beyond.
      Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.
      Follow us to Holy Mass
      & say the Rosary once per day.
      Do the RCIA, too.
      I. Love. You. earthling
      I'll definitely pray for you
      as you fully trustNjesus.
      God bless your fruitful, indelible soul.

      Yes, earthling, Im an NDE:
      I know exactly what Almighty God
      has prepared for those who love Him
      and follow Him in this finite existence:
      an eternal explosion-of-extravagance
      which few are askin for anymore...
      yet, 1-outta-1 bites-the-dust.
      Strange how many people
      DONT want everything
      from our Creator.
      Que cera cera.

    5. Satan, whether you wanna believe
      in that pileOshit, exists...
      and you N i SHALL be Divinely Judged.
      Death aint the end, dear.
      Seventh-Heaven is TheEnd...
      or the Abyss o'Misery is TheEnd.

      Make Your Choice -SAW
